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Jason Floyd

  • Certified Personal Trainer      (NASM) 

  • Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)

  •  Certified Nutrition Coach       (NASM)

  • Certified Human Movement Specialist                       (Brookbush Institute)

  • Certified Personal Trainer  (Brookbush Institute)

With my true passion and motivation for fitness and nutrition, I'm able to guide and teach you how to become the best version of yourself in a fun and educational setting with whatever your goals or needs may be! I've been extremely successful at achieving my clients' goals and surpassing their expectations of what a trainer should be. My program design is specifically tailored for you by assessing your movement and listening to you and your goals.


I'll guide you with nutritional support and exercise science knowledge to help you understand everything we do each step of the way. I utilize a couple unique specializations, which allows me the ability to dive deeper into how your body moves to help you get back to moving freely to the best of our abilities and circumstances!


My true love for my work clearly shows during each session. My goal is to keep you inspired and motivated with my positive and outgoing personality, paired with my 6+ years of experience in the fitness industry to help YOU get where YOU want to be! I've had great success in all aspects of fitness, which range in terms of lean muscle mass, body fat reduction, proper nutritional and supplemental support, postural/corrective exercise support, flexibility and more.

Why I do this

I love showing my clients that their goals are achievable regardless of where they are today and what life has thrown at them, and I use my personal story to prove it. Fitness is truly my passion and has changed my life. I love translating my motivation and love for fitness to my clients and to see them progress and transition into the person they want to be inside and out!

At birth I was diagnosed with a rare vascular disease in my right leg called Klippel-Trenaunay-Webber Syndrome (KTW for short). This disease has kept me in and out of the hospital mostly my whole life. K.T.W. is a syndrome that affects the development of blood vessels, soft tissues, and bones. This syndrome has some characteristic features: birthmarks called a port wine stains, overgrowth of soft tissues and bones of the affected limb (hypertrophy), or in my certain case atrophy (underdevelopment), and vein malformations such as varicose veins or malformations of deep veins in the limbs.

From this, I've had over five major surgeries on my right leg including an aneurysm, partial calf muscle removal (two separate times), tumor removals, and I even had my pectoral muscles completely scraped off the bone (another issue called “Pectus Excavatum”). I’m proud to say I’ve mostly overcame it all! I've had doctors tell me due to my circumstances that I would never be able to properly squat, sit or stand for excess periods without pain (which is true). Due to these trials and tribulations, I’ve been on every spectrum of the scale. I've gotten over 230 lbs, and all the way down to 115 lbs (at 6’3!), so I can understand each sides' fights and frustrations completely.


I deal with chronic pain every day of my life, and I've been prescribed every type of medicine you can think of. At one point I was prescribed up to 30 pills a day for pain management! I got off 99% of them by changing my lifestyle choices and incorporating a proper workout program and diet plan. I experienced over three years of physical therapy, which helps me emphasize with my clients and apply my personal experiences into my programming.

Long story short, I've had every excuse to quit working out and just lead a normal life and job, but I REFUSE! I practice everything I preach to my clients every day to myself. I truly believe everything I've been through was for a reason and that this is my purpose. I use my story to reach out to as many people as I can and to show that anything is TRULY possible with hard work, dedication, and great support on your side!

Results Driven Fitness LLC

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